TunnelTo is free/subscription based tool which enables local services/applications to be exposed over the internet. Insiders as well as threat actors can use this tool to perform variety of malicious tasks. Although, the tool requires an authentication token of which free token can be obtained from the website.
In order to install the TunnelTo, it can be done directly via cargo, brew etc. as well as downloadable binaries are provided that can be executed on the fly.
tunnelto set-auth --key <AUTH KEY>
Exeuting the binary to generate a local tunnel by binding it to the local service running on TCP ports.
ssh -R 2222:localhost:22 tuns.sh
Executing the binary to generate a local tunnel by binding it to a local web server running on port 80.
ssh -R 80:localhost:8080 tuns.sh
Executing the binary to generate a local tunnel by binding it to the local file system exposed over port 80.
ssh -R 80:localhost:8080 tuns.sh
Executing the binary to generate a local tunnel by binding it to the local web server hosting phishing sites.
ssh -R 80:localhost:8080 tuns.sh