LocalTunnels a.k.a Rust Tunnels is an extension of LocalTunnels implemented in Rust Language. Similar to LocalTunnels, this can also be used by insiders as well as threat actors to exfiltrate data, download malciious binaries, malwares etc. Also, the rlt can be hosted on a custom server, thus the binary itself is required to be monitored as well as having network monitoring.
This is a quick way to install localtunnel rust binary on the local machine.
cargo install localtunnel
This is a quick way to connect to the hosted server running localtunnel rlt service binded to the port.
localtunnel client --host <host name> --subdomain <subdomain> --port <local port>
Running rlt on the server for malicious purposes.
localtunnel server --domain init.so --port <local port> --proxy-port <proxy port> --secure